Link to Life™ Seminars

The First Choice in WSIB First Aid Certification Since 1982

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Thank you for registering. You should be receiving an email from WordPress to Activate your user profile. Click on the link in the email to confirm your user activation.

Once clicked, you will be directed to this page:

Click Log in, and you will be directed to the login page:

Enter your email and the password you chose during registration, and click Log In. 

Once logged in, you will be directed to your LearnDash user profile. At the bottom, you will see this:

Click on Workplace First Aid. (Or CPR/AED or Child CPR, depending on what course you’re registered for).

The next page will be the Course Curriculum, and the final step before starting the modules is to click on the Materials tab, as shown below:

Click on the link to download the eBook. Once you have the eBook, click on the first module and you can begin watching the videos.